
  • English / Dutch
  • Café van Beek
Korte Reis Bekendmakingsborrel // Short Trip Reveal Borrel
  • English / Dutch
  • Café van Beek, Turfmarkt 6, 2511 CA Den Haag
Halloweenfeest // Halloween Party
  • English / Dutch
  • Club Gewoon, Herenstraat 6, 2511 EA Den Haag
Maandelijkse Borrel // Monthly Borrel
  • English / Dutch
  • Van Beek, Den Haag
Inschrijvingen Korte Reis // Sign-ups Short Trip
  • English / Dutch

Study Association B.I.L

The Bestuurskundige Interfacultaire Vereniging Leiden (B.I.L.) was founded on May 22, 1985, as a study association connected to the Public Administration program at Leiden University. Public Administration is an interdisciplinary field that focuses on the theoretical aspects and practical skills of public governance and its environment, based on four pillars: sociology, political science, economics, and law.

As a study association, B.I.L. plays a central role in the Public Administration program. B.I.L. organizes educational activities such as study training sessions, evaluations, and tutoring, as well as social activities such as social drinks, parties, and sports events. Additionally, B.I.L. supports its members by offering discount codes and summaries of textbooks. Furthermore, B.I.L. organizes formal (networking) events where members can meet companies and organizations to orient themselves towards the job market. B.I.L. also annually organizes various (study) trips to European and intercontinental destinations. Lastly, B.I.L. provides the opportunity to get to know fellow students better and to develop organizational talents by attending activities or performing committee or board work.

As of 2024, the association has approximately 1200 members.

Why join?

What do we offer?

  • Discount on textbooks
  • Summaries
  • Trips within and outside Europe
  • Formal activities such as visits to ministries, embassies, and companies
  • Informal activities such as parties and drinks
  • Internship and networking events
  • BIL-Room (free coffee, tea, cookies, gaming consoles)

Sign up



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